释义 |
1 ?弧分 弧分(Arc minute):1度分为60弧分。1弧分又分为60弧秒。 2 ?又称弧分 角分,又称弧分(Arc minute),是量度角度的单位,是用于宇宙观测用的数学单位。角分,又称弧分(Arc minute),符号为 ′,在不会引起..
- 1
Where misalignment between the inner and outer rings exceeds 1 minute of arc, the action of the load on the flange changes considerably. 内圈和外圈之间的不对中超过1分弧时,作用在法兰上的载荷会发生相当大的变化。 - 2
The circular arc automatic door is reciprocating swing, and its motion parameters are the number of swing per minute, the size of the swing Angle and the travel speed ratio coefficient. 圆弧形自动门是往复摆动,其运动参数是每分钟摆动次数、摆角大小和行程速比系数等。 - 3
After 1 minute, the arc Campo nodded the ball in play on the beam.