释义 |
average production capacity - 1
These sites could house turbines with a combined capacity of over 30 gigawatts (GW, or 30, 000MW), though average energy production would be at best only about a third of that. 这些区域共能够容纳总发电能力超过30GW(或者30,000MW)的涡轮机,即使平均能源产量往高的说仅为总能力的1/3。 - 2
In production, you must plan to have enough capacity for your peak loads, not the average steady state. 在生产负载中,必须计划好有足够的容量来应付尖峰负载,而不是平均的稳定状态。 - 3
The paper predicts per well production and oil productive capacity per day by moving average method, the example demonstrates predictive from moving average method is relative truth. 应用该方法,对单井产量及日产油能力进行了预测。实例证明,采用移动平均法得到的预测值是较真实的。