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您要找的是不是: canen. 手杖;藤条;细长的茎 | vt. 以杖击;... 1 ?沉睡凯茵 ...《沉睡凯茵》(CAYNE)是恐怖冒险游戏《沉睡》的支线故事衍生之作,由THE BROTHERHOOD制作发行。
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To some, this brings disturbing echoes of Jimmy Cayne, Bear's former boss, who refused to sell until it was too late. 这是人们想起贝尔斯登的前老板吉米·凯恩,他同样也是拒绝卖出直到连卖出也太晚了。 - 2
So in 2003, she started the Jason David Cayne Foundation toassist families in Monmouth County, N.J., where she lived. 所以在2003年,她创办了杰森·大卫·凯恩基金会,来帮助她所居住的孟莫斯郡所有遭遇不幸的家庭。 - 3
Mr. Cayne had just returned from the hospital where he'd been treated for an infection, and he looked thin and drawn. 由于感染住院的凯恩刚刚回到公司,他看起来瘦了些,也更憔悴了。