释义 |
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With a sequel to Avatar already in the pipeline and Sanctum, a 3D cave-diving drama, to be released in the new year, Cameron's influence is only likely to grow. 《阿凡达》续集还在紧锣密鼓的制作中,而3D洞穴潜水剧《圣地》就将于明年发布,看来,卡梅隆的势头只会越来越劲。 - 2
Visitors are able to use the facilities for free diving and scuba diving, with underwater caves for cave diving beginners. 在这里游客们可以使用相应的设施进行自由潜水或戴水肺潜水,另外还有供洞穴潜水新手使用的地下水洞。 - 3
CAVE DIVING: Being a diver is bad enough, what with the risk of decompression, which can cause failure of the spinal cord, brain and lungs. 洞穴潜水:潜水本身具有减压的危险,容易引起脊髓、脑、肺功能衰竭,已经够可怕的了。