释义 |
1 ?舞蹈档案与博物馆 ... archives and museums 舞蹈档案与博物馆 archives arrangement 档案整理 archives assistant 档案助理 ...
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These Regulations may be cited as the Exception for Educational Institutions, Libraries, Archives and Museums Regulations. 该条例被称为《例外的教育机构,图书馆,档案馆和博物馆条例》。 - 2
The collection has been recognized as being of national and international importance by Britain's Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Historic Royal Palaces said in a news release. 历史皇家宫殿在一个新闻发布上说,这些藏品已被英国图书史馆认定为具有国家和世界级意义的文物。 - 3
Technical Occupations in Libraries, Archives, Museums and Art Galleries.