释义 |
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That in turn could lead to network architecture and computer chips that process and move information as quickly and seamlessly as our brains do. 反过来,这可能导致网络结构和计算机芯片处理信息和移动信息的速度加快,最终媲美我们的大脑。 - 2
For example, one interviewer might focus on databases, while another interviewer might focus on your understanding of computer architecture. 例如,一个面试官可能侧重于数据库,而另一个面试官可能会专注于你对计算机体系结构的理解。 - 3
As a student majoring in both finance and accounting, I could do it very easily. Of course there was also some work beyond my major, such as architecture or computer software. 当然也有一些不是我的老本行, 比如说建筑和电脑软件类的, 这时就需要好好下苦功了,比如说查阅一些专业名词.