... 建筑透视图architectural perspective 建筑计书architectural plan 建筑示意图architectural presentation drawing ...
... 建筑平面布置 building layout 建筑平面图architectural plan 建筑物平面图 building layout ; building plan ...
...,你希望她和她的丈夫离婚吗 ? She has a husband, you want to divorce her and her husband do 建筑平面 ? Architectural plan 对美国共和党在这件事情上起到重要影响而忿忿不平,而且在麦卡锡时代它也是一个重要的冷战的鼓吹者。
Then, the writer analyzed the basis of current ArchitecturalPlan and evaluated current theory from the stand point of Nonlinear Science.
Its library is one of the richest and oldest in the world and contains precious manuscripts such as the earliest-known architecturalplan drawn on parchment.
This paper analyzes the distinctive features of the "frog-mode housing" in terms of its design and architecturalplan. The author also presents some ways and means to solve some...