释义 |
拱高 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Thus, if one Adidas shoe fits your arch height, foot curve, and toe length, another with the same last will likely feel right, too. 因此,如果一双阿迪达斯的鞋适合你的足弓高度,足曲线和足尖长短,另一双一样的鞋也同样适合你。 - 2
The diameter, length, arch height and space of bond-wires have great impacts on the radio frequency performance of RF power transistor. 键合线的直径、长度、拱高和并列键合线间距等物理参量,均对器件性能有很大影响。 - 3
The continuous beam arch combination structure has large span capacity, low building height, light graceful shape and smooth lines, and it is a structure type with development prospect. 连续梁拱组合结构跨越能力大、建筑高度低、造型轻盈、线条流畅,是一种很有发展前途的结构型式。