释义 |
- 局长:某个机构的负责人,通常是政府机构或非营利组织的高级管理人员。
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The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N. "Ding" Darling, a political cartoonist from Des Moines, Iowa, who at that time was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey. 最早的联邦鸭票是由J.N.“丁”·达林设计的,他是爱荷华州得梅因市的一位政治漫画家,当时被富兰克林·罗斯福总统任命为生物调查局局长。 - 2
In a statement released this afternoon, FTC Bureau of Competition director Richard Feinstein says "we will continue to investigate remaining interlocking directorates between the companies." 在今天下午公布的一份声明中,FTC竞争事务处主任理查德·范恩·斯坦(richard Feinstein)表示:“我们将继续调查两家公司其余的关联董事问题。” - 3
The health Ministry's own mental health bureau, established four years ago, consists of three people. Dr. Yan, the director, is a public health specialist, not a psychiatrist. 四年前卫生部设立了自己的精神卫生行政机关,成员有三人,严(yan)医生任处长,是一名公共健康专家,而不是精神病学家。