直接游说 ( Direct Lobbying )指受到政策影响的标的人口或利害关系人,在政策运作过程中,透过各种可行方式,宜接向具有决策权者或对政策具有相当影响力者进行...
Spending by large corporations and wealthy individuals could surpass directlobbying expenditures if they judge such expenditures to be effective.
FORBES: A Megaphone for Plutocrats
Several major UK police forces are now lobbying to receive more SARs direct rather than via NCIS, claiming that the organisation is not passing them on fast enough.
BBC: Analysis
There followed a big meeting in London, lobbying of ministers and supermarkets and plenty of direct action in the form of marches and blockades of distribution depots and dairies.
BBC: The NFU and Farmers for Action go their separate ways