释义 |
- v.自动建议:计算机程序或搜索引擎在用户输入关键词时,自动提供相关的建议或补全。
1 ?自动建议 ...隐私带来隐患Google曾经向CNET暗示大约有2%的输入数值会连同IP一道回传到Google当然如果使用者封闭“自动建议”(auto-suggest)选项,或选择其它搜索引擎,或使用“隐私模式”,则Google将不会获得任何资料EFF以为Chrome此举可能会让Google掌握用户在网络上的...
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As the user types text in the City Name field, Suggestions are dynamically displayed, similar to Google's auto-suggest. 用户在City Name字段中键入文本时,将动态显示建议,类似于Google的自动建议功能。 - 2
When you focus on the field, you get to see the possible values (in this case, several URLs) from the datalist, similar to Ajax style auto-suggest fields that are popular. 当您聚焦该字段时,您将看到来自datalist的可能值(本例中是几个URL)。 - 3
I also describe how to build an auto-complete control, similar to Google suggest, that displays a suggestion list that is updated in real time as a user types. 我还介绍了如何构建类似于Google Suggest的自动完成控件,在用户输入时显示实时更新的建议列表。