WSDL files are useful, because they contain information on available SOAP API methods and can be used by connecting clients to "auto-discover" the SOAP API.
WSDL 文件是很有用的,因为它们包含了关于可用的 SOAP API 函数的信息,并且可以被连接客户端用于 “自动发现” SOAP API。
In his article on "Consuming services Using Silverlight 2.0" Simon Evan points out that there is no support for auto proxy generation as is the case for SOAP Web services.
在Simon Evan的文章“使用Silverlight 2.0消费服务”中,他指出目前不支持类似SOAP Web Service中那样的自动生成代理。
Finally, you also use Zend_Soap to automatically generate a WSDL file that describes the SOAP service, thereby enabling clients to "auto-discover" the SOAP service API.