n. [细菌]巴尔通氏体属
n. 波提切利(文艺复兴早期的著名意大利画家)
伯提内莉 ; 维拉丽贝廷妮莉
海伦娜 ; 海伦娜·柏特奈尼 ; 海伦娜·伯廷莉
卢奇亚诺·伯提内利 ; 伯提内利
Chynna Phillips and Mackenzie's "One Day at a Time" co-star Valerie Bertinelli have since rallied around her.
CNN: John Phillips had checkered, sometimes sordid, life
Bertinelli reiterated Friday that Franklin was a "second mother to me" and one of the most important women in her life.
WSJ: Bonnie Franklin, 'One Day At a Time' star, dies
After watching Phillips tell her story to Winfrey, Bertinelli told Phillips she regretted not being there for her on-again, off-again friend.
CNN: Mackenzie Phillips: Dad wanted me to be his wife