释义 |
1 ?商事诉讼 ... 商事纠纷 commercial dispute; 商事诉讼 commercial action; commercial causes; 商事行为 commercial act; ...
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Pollution, commercial fishing, coastal erosion, development and poaching are among the causes. 污染,商业捕捞,海岸侵蚀,偷猎等都是造成这种状况的原因。 - 2
This situation is caused by the root causes of domestic commercial bank loans, in-and the capacity of different customers, providing the same products, leading to lending risks. 造成这种情况的根本原因是,国内商业银行贷款时搞一刀切,对不同能力的客户,提供相同的产品,导致放贷风险很大。 - 3
Seeing from the causes of scale economics, there exist some problems in commercial banks in China, thus a mathematical model of moderate scale in commercial banks is set up. 从银行规模经济形成的原因及其影响因素看,我国商业银行目前存在一些问题。 为此,建立了银行适度规模的数理模型。