释义 |
阿拉伯语字符 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?阿拉伯字 ... acquired characters后天特性 Arabic characters阿拉伯字 big characters大字,大写字母 ...
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Saudi Arabia has banned auto licence tags whose Arabic characters spell out offensive words when romanised, with the list of banned combinations including "USA", Al-Watan newspaper reported. 沙乌地阿拉伯国家报报导,沙国禁止那些当阿拉伯字母转译为拉丁字母后,变成冒犯字眼的车牌,而列在黑名单的字母组合包括「USA」(美国)。 - 2
In the Arabic language, according to camels' appearance, characters, drinking behaviours, and the roles they play, there are hundreds of different words for the camel and all of its parts. 在阿拉伯语中,根据骆驼的外表、特性、饮水行为和它们所发挥的作用,有数百个不同的词来形容骆驼及其各个部分。 - 3
If the element has a type attribute, use its value to figure out how the number of each list item should be formatted (Roman numerals, Arabic numerals, or alphabetic characters). 如果元素有type属性,则用这个值来决定应该如何格式化每个列表项的数字(罗马数字、阿拉伯数字或按字母次序的字符)。