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1 ?双水相系统 ...高分子聚合物的水溶液超过一定浓度后可形成两相,并且在两相中水分均占很大比 例,即形成双水相系统(aqueous two-phase system, ATPS)。. 2 ?双水相 技术文摘 关键词:葡萄糖氧化酶,双水相,聚乙二醇,硫酸铵 [gap=733]Key words:glucose oxidase;aqueous two-phase systems;PEG;(NH4)2SO4 3 ?相系统 近年来,双水 相系统 ( Aqueous Two-Phase System )在生化工程领域中得到了广泛应用。该系统由两种水溶性聚合物或一种聚合物和一种盐组成,当它们的水溶液 4 ?即形成双水相系统 ...高分子聚合物的水溶液超过一定浓度后可形成两相,并且在两相中水分均占很大比 例,即形成双水相系统(aqueous two-phase system, ATPS)。.
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In recent years, aqueous two-phase system based ionic liquids are gaining wide recognition as novel 'greener 'separation systems. 近几年来,离子液体双水相作为一种新型绿色分离体系越来越受到关注。 - 2
Results show that just as the conventional anionic and cationic aqueous solutions, present system can form liquid crystal and aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) under certain mixing ratio. 结果表明该体系同传统的正、负离子表面活性荆复配体系相似,在一定的混合比范围内出现了液晶区和双水相区。 - 3
Moreover, the condition under which this aqueous two phase system are formed and the tentative law of phase equilibrium are in. 并探讨这种双水相体系形成的条件和相平衡的初步规律。