释义 |
1 ?魅力无限的弦乐瀑布 ... Tonight今夜 Charmaine魅力无限的弦乐瀑布 BesameMucho帕瓦罗蒂名曲“吻我” ... 2 ?佘诗曼 :一个摩羯座的女孩喜欢LF(林峰),Charmaine(佘诗曼),Twins?经常性刷屏 不喜勿关注:D 3 ?方皓玟 方皓玟 ( Charmaine )是一次及格的醒目考生,不过,她自言自己当日的表现不是特别好,而是听从朋友的提示,衣著上花了心思,究竟所花的是什么心思?
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Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Cheng 1st film co-costume drama, full of praise for his costume style, hope that he will shoot more costume… 佘诗曼第1次和郑嘉颖合作拍古装戏,对他的古装造型赞不绝口,希望他以后多拍古装戏。 - 2
Unhappy with her weight, Charmaine Tong decided two years ago to try a slimming tea, which supposedly contained only traditional Chinese herbs. 由于对自己体重不满,查玛琳唐两年前决定试用一种瘦身茶,按理说,其应只含传统中草药。 - 3
Charmaine West, (daughter of Fred’s previous wife Rena), who was murdered in June 1971, was buried at the Wests’ previous home of 25 Midland Road, Gloucester. 夏尔曼·维斯特(弗雷德的前妻莉娜的女儿)在1971年被杀害,尸体被埋在格洛斯特市米德兰路25号,即维斯特夫妇以前的房子里。