释义 |
1 ?查理大帝 The Coming of the Barbarians and Charles theHammer文明人的到来和铁锤查理 Charles the Great查理大帝 Hildebrand: Pope GregoryVII.教皇格雷戈里七世 . 2 ?大帝 查理大帝(Charles the Great) 是欧洲中世纪历史上的有名人物,是法兰 克国家加洛林王朝的第二代君王。 3 ?查理曼大帝 查理曼一世,又称查理曼大帝(Charles the Great),与亚瑟王一样,支配着各自的领地。查理曼是神圣罗马帝国的奠基者,在长达三十年的一系列战役之后,统一了几乎相当于今日欧洲版... 4 ?为法兰克王 ... 为法国服务 servir la france 为法兰克王 charles the great 为法文缩写 cern ...
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Charles, among other things, you are regarded as one of America's great masters of the blues, a musical idiom that's essentially about loss, particularly about the loss of love. 除此之外,查尔斯被认为是美国最伟大的蓝调大师之一,蓝调是一种关于“失去”的音乐风格,尤其是爱情的离去。 - 2
Charles, among other things, you are regarded as one of America's great masters of the blues, a musical idiom that's essentially about loss, particularly the loss of romantic love. 查尔斯,除了其他方面,你被誉为是美国最伟大的蓝调大师之一,这种音乐风格大体上是描述失去的东西,特别是浪漫爱情的逝去。 - 3
It sounds great, even if Airbus's vice-president of engineering, Charles Champion, acknowledges that much of the kit cannot be built with today's technology. 尽管空客的工程副总裁查尔斯?查姆皮恩也承认很多部件以今天的技术还不能制造得出,但这听起来很美妙。