释义 |
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For example, angustiflorus (narrow-flowered, because angustus = narrow); cauliflorus (flowered on the stem, because caulis = stem); grandiflorus (large-flowered, because grandis = large). 比如,angustiflorus (小花 因为angustus = narrow);cauliflorus (茎上开花(无花托?) ,因为 caulis = 茎);grandiflorus (大花因为 grandis = 大)。 - 2
Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts. 根,茎:清热除湿,通经活络。用于感冒发热,眼结膜炎,肺热咳嗽,湿热黄疸,急性胃肠炎,尿路感染,跌打损伤。 - 3
Root and caulis: bitter, cold, toxic.