

单词 compiler debugging
compiler debugging
  • 简明释义
  • 编译程序除错
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    ... 动态程序除错 dynamic program debugging 编译程序除错 compiler debugging 公用程序除错 Utility Debug ; UtilityDebugDBG ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Note: the -ggdb option in this example differs from Nigel's article in that it tells the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to optimize the program for debugging with GDB.
    注意:此示例中的- ggdb选项与Nigel文章中所述的选项不同,因为它告诉gnu编译器集(GCC)优化该程序,以便于使用gdb来进行调试。
  • 2
    The set of build and debug tool chain integrations grows with a cleaner MinGW integration, a GDB hardware debugging integration, and a new integration for IBM's xlC compiler.
    构建和调试工具链整合集将随着更干净的 MinGW 整合、GDB 硬件调试整合和针对 IBM 的 xlC 编译器的新整合而壮大。
  • 3
    Note: The -ggdb option in Listing 2 differs from Nigel's article in that it tells the GCC compiler to optimize the program for debugging with the GDB Debugger, which you'll use later.
    注意: 清单 2 中的 -ggdb 选项和 Nigel 的文章中的内容有些不同,该选项用于告诉 GCC 编译器对该程序进行优化,以便使用 GDB 调试工具对其进行调试,您将在以后用到该调试工具。




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