释义 |
1 ?基本群体 原始选择群体;(2) 基本群体 ( base population ):由育种工作保存的供下一个育种世代选择 所用林木的总和。 2 ?基础群体 在中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)大规模家系选育过程中,基础群体(Base population)的建立是开展整个育种工作的关键一步,一个遗传变异丰富的基础群体是保证育种项目得以顺利进行的基础。 3 ?基本族群 ... 碱对法则 base pairing rules 基本族群 base population (核酸中的)碱基比 base ratio ...
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As well as his military exploits, Kangxi was a cultured and humane ruler, who created an agricultural base to feed the nation's growing population. 同时,作为一国之君的康熙,不仅具有军事才能,文化造诣也颇深。他创造了农业基地,以供国民生计。 - 2
In other words, one phone company has a customer base equivalent to the population of the United States in the country of perhaps as many as 1.5 billion people. 换言之,一个电话公司拥有相当于美国乡村多达1.5亿人口的客户群。 - 3
A borough of southern England on the English Channel opposite the Isle of Wight. Chartered in 94, it is a major naval base. Population, 87,900. 英格兰南部的自治市,邻英吉利海峡,与怀特岛相对相望。该市于94年取得自治权,是主要的海军基地。人口87,900。