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水生作物 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Baiyangdian waters crops and resources, the growth of the lotus root, caltrop, Gorgon Fruit, arrowhead and other 30 kinds of rare wild aquatic plants. 白洋淀内水生作物资源充足,生长着莲藕、菱角、芡实、慈姑等30多种珍贵野生水生作物。 - 2
Grain, oil and aquatic products are in front position in a quantity list in China, and there are many important industrial crops like tea, fruit, tobacco leaf etc. 粮食、油料、水产品等产量位居全国前列,还有茶叶、烟叶、水果、中药材等重要的经济作物。 - 3
Rainfall "washes them out", creating acid rain which is harmful to aquatic life, forests, and agricultural crops. 降雨冲洗这些废气,形成酸雨,它们对水体生物,森林和农作物有害。