... expected date delivery 释义:预产期 appropriate for date 释义:符合孕龄[胎儿] expected date confinement 释义:预产期 ...
合于胎龄儿,婴儿体重与孕期符合 appropriate for date 体重 (body) weight 体重增加 put on weight; gain weight; 体重减轻 lose weight; 体重不足 underweight ..
ODFDOM is able to provide not only the appropriate means to set date and time formats, but also some special style classes for many kinds of formats.
ODFDOM 不仅提供合适的方法来设置日期和时间格式,还有一些特别的类用于这种格式。
Enter appropriate values for the Roll forward to transaction date and time.
为Roll forward to transaction日期和时间输入适当的值。
They are very savvy in understanding which medium is most appropriatefor the message and for the recipient, whether it’s a dinner invitation or asking someone out on a date.