释义 |
1 ?康巴丝 像霸王(POWER)、北极星(POLARIS)、康巴丝(Compas)、富达(FUDA)、天王星(Telesonic)、西马(XIMA)、西城士(SISENSE)、宜美(EMAX)这些,这些牌子首先款式够靓,其实质量够好,不过还... 2 ?康派斯牌衬衫 ... compartmentedagitator隔室式混合器 Compas康派斯牌衬衫 compassadjuster罗盘调整器 ... 3 ?康巴斯 这种识别方法仅有一个特例,即COMPAS(康巴斯)机型,如红塔山(软经典)、红梅(软顺)等卷烟,这种机型适用并不广泛,在以往的烟试中以该机型生产的卷烟未出现过. 4 ?阿瓜斯卡连特斯合作制造工厂 阿瓜斯卡连特斯合作制造工厂(COMPAS)与本公司不存在关联关系。阿瓜斯卡连特斯合作制造工厂(COMPAS)上一会计年度(2014年度)与本公司发生的类似业务交易金额为...
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All this should worry even die-hard anti-immigration Tories, argues Nando Sigona of COMPAS. Many, perhaps most, irregular children will gain British nationality in time. ECONOMIST: Migrant children - 2.
But there are a lot of them some 120, 000 in Britain, or one in 100 children, according to a new study by Oxford University's Centre for Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS). ECONOMIST: Migrant children - 3.
Mr Martelly ran an unusually slick campaign, enlisting the help of election consultants to project a more serious image than that of the flamboyant musician who made his name playing compas dance music in the 1980s. BBC: Haiti profile