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1 ?升降口 ... 升降机,电梯 elevator (or lift) 升降口 companion way 升降式平台 self elevating platform (SEP) ...
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They are concerned with others, but in a negative way, and in the end will only have their own righteousness to live with, and that's a horrible companion. 他们总是在关心别人,但是相反的,最终他们只会按照那些他们认为正确的路永远走下去,这种人将是一个恐怖的伴侣。 - 2
They are concerned with others, but in a negative way, and in the end will only have their own righteousness to live with, and that's a horrible companion。 他们关心他人,却以一种消极的方式,最终怀抱追寻一生的正义而终,而正却是一个糟糕的伴侣。 - 3
Before the explosion, the companion star may have dumped gas onto VFTS 102, spinning it up to extreme speed the way falling water makes a water wheel turn. 在那颗伴星爆炸之前,其气体可能曾经冲向恒星VFTS 102,致使该恒星的旋转加快到极速,就像落下的水使水轮旋转一样。