释义 |
classification methodology 分类方法 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?分级评价方法 ...分级评价方法 [gap=5647]Keywords: Buried ferrous pipelines, protective coating, safety and quality, classification methodology ...
- 1
When we deal with the statistics and classification of large quantities of data, we expect to find an all-purpose classification methodology, which can make decision efficiently. 我们平常做各种大批量地数据统计与归类时,往往希望找出某种通用的分类规律对其作出有效地分析决策。 - 2
The results demonstrate that the methodology can classify the customers effectively, extract the classification rule and enhance the classification accuracy. 通过实例验证了这种方法能够有效地对客户进行细分、提取分类规则,并提高了分类准确性。 - 3
In this paper, a customer needs analysis, classification, introduced the implementation process of software products, and needs assessment methodology in the process, the management of demand risk. 本文对客户需求进行了分析、归类,介绍了产品化软件的实施过程,以及在这过程中对需求进行评估的方式、需求风险的管理。