释义 |
1 ?基督中心 ...布道模式:先从上帝中心(God-centered)下手,寻求相关性(relevance),再切入独特性(uniqueness),传扬基督中心(Christ-centered)信息。
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At the most basic level, a proper hermeneutic will be characterized by the following adjectives: grammatical, historical, contextual, and Christ-centered; 在最基本的层面,正确的释经法具有以下几个形容词所描绘的特征:文法的,历史的,上下文的,以及以基督为中心的。 - 2
While they were here, their lives were filled with Christ-centered learning, authentic relationship, and challenging ministry experience with unforgettable mentors. 在学校里,他们忙于学习以基督为中心的神学、建立真挚可信的关系,同时在难忘的导师的指导下共同进行一些神职实践。 - 3
Justification is "through faith alone," in the sense that additional customs and rituals are not necessary to delineate the boundaries of the new Christ-centered body of believers. 称义,“唯独通过信心”,也就是说,在描绘这群以基督为中心的新的信仰全体的边界时,任何附加的习俗和礼仪都是不必要的。