美国在运用催眠侦查犯罪案件中,举世闻名的案例是发生在桥奇拉 (Chowchilla) 的绑架案。一九七六年七月桥奇拉州发生廿六名学童和司机被几位蒙面歹徒绑架,在枪枝威胁下二十七人被迫上一部大货车,然后载往采...
... 地址: 1029 Penny St 城市: Chowchilla 所属州: CA ...
Remote Chowchilla, located in the San Joaquin Valley between Fresno and Sacramento, has an interesting heritage.
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Chowchilla already has axed more that one-third of the municipal payroll while cutting such services as a swimming program.
The fall of Chowchilla had typically Californian elements, including a huge housing collapse that reduced property tax revenues and the recession.