释义 |
应用,自动 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
I can also see applying bubbles to other tools such as profilers, automatic bug finding tools, unit testing results, and so on. 我也看到过把气泡应用到其他工具,如性能分析工具、自动化缺陷查找工具、单元测试结果等等。 - 2
By coupling a simple click-to-apply method for interim fixes with an automatic snapshot process, applying these fixes with the appliance is both simple and safe. 通过对临时补丁使用一种简单的“单击并应用”的方法并与一个自动快照流程结合起来,使用设备应用这些补丁将变得简单又安全。 - 3
There are automatic-flushing lavatories, foot-operated taps and strange-looking devices that enable you to open door-handles by applying pressure with the forearm. 自动冲洗的马桶,脚控龙头和看起来很奇怪的装置能够让你用前肢的应用压力来开门。