释义 |
1 ?捏雕 Applied Relief(捏雕), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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As pressure is applied, something has to give, and we tend to neglect those things that do not provide immediate relief — we just attack the alligators. 当受到时间的压迫时,有些东西就应该放弃,我们通常会忽略那些不能直接减轻压力的事情——我们只知道要攻击鳄鱼。 - 2
Because of bias in the painting, so a similar perspective, the illusion of painting technique of expression, and so on, have been widely applied in shallow relief work. 正因为偏向于绘画,所以类似绘画中的透视、错觉等等表现手法,都被广泛地应用在浅浮雕的作品中。 - 3
The gear grinding machine with conical wheel is retrofitted into CNC, the CNC controlled method for tooth profile relief is researched and applied, a comparison with traditional method is carried out. 在锥面砂轮型磨齿机上进行数控改造,对齿轮修形的CNC控制方法进行了研究和应用,并与传统的齿轮修形方法进行比较。