释义 |
- (专利)专利申请(案):指向专利局提交的申请专利的文件或请求。
- (专利)申请专利:指向专利局提出申请,请求获得专利权。
1 ?申请专利 ... Appl. 释义:专利申请号 applications for patents 释义:申请专利,专利申请表 patent blue 释义:专利蓝A ... 2 ?专利申请表 applications for patents 申请专利,专利申请表 applications for reviewing 复议申请 ..
- 1
This Law may be cited as patent Law, its about the regulations of applications for patents, and the granting and maintenance of patents. 该法被称为《专利法》,是一部关于专利的申请应用、许可和保护的法律。 - 2
In order to protect intellectual property rights, I have submitted applications for patents of invention for these four products to State intellectual property Office (SIPO). 为了保护知识产权,我将四个产品的处方,分别向国家知识产权局申请了发明专利权。 - 3
The Canadian company has been losing market share for years—but it is sitting on around 2, 000 patents, with 3, 000 more applications in the pipeline. 加拿大这家公司的市场份额已经连续多年下降,但它有大约2000项专利,还有3000多项专利申请即将破壳而出。