释义 |
Appleton 英/ ??p?lt?n / 美/ ??p?lt?n / - 1
"WHEN good Americans die, they go to Paris," observed Thomas Gold Appleton, a Boston wit of the 19th century. “善良的美国人去世后,他们的灵魂就升入巴黎。”19世纪的波士顿智者托马斯?金?阿普尔顿曾这样说。 - 2
APPLETON, Wis. - Pets here will be breathing a little easier now that local rescuers will be carrying oxygen masks designed for animals. 美国威斯康星州阿普尔顿市的救援人员为动物们设计了一款氧气面罩。这样,宠物们在今后遇到火灾等险情时呼吸就会更容易一些。 - 3
Photographer James Appleton, 23, from Cambridge, risked his life trekking solo to the area and captured these incredible shots. 来自英国剑桥的23岁摄影师詹姆斯-阿普尔顿冒着生命的危险独自深入火山喷发区,捕捉到令人难以置信的壮观画面。