释义 |
1 ?自动内缩 自动内缩(automatic indentation):写过程序的人都知道,为了提高程序的可读性,我们需要根据程序的层次在各行代码前面添加一些空格或者tab键,像VS 6.0,VS2008等...
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Reel material automatic cutting machine on the professional printing, film reel material after cutting and automatic indentation, applicable to all kinds of … 多功能包装机-供应全自动卷筒料模切压痕机-全自动卷筒料模切压痕… - 2
RubyMine performs automatic Ruby code styling, with brace matching and folding, custom formatting, indentation and TODO marks. RubyMine拥有自动代码格式化功能,如括号匹配、代码折叠、自定义格式、缩进和TODO标记。 - 3
The enterprise specializing in the production of printing equipment, products sewing machine, binding machine, indentation machine, high-speed automatic punching machine. 本企业专业生产印刷设备,产品有锁线机、捆扎机、压痕机、高速自动冲孔机等。