释义 |
1 ?伯努力 空气动力学理论相当多,感觉上跟流体力学有相当大的关系,其中也用到了伯努力(Bernoulli Law)定律,利用机翼上下空气流速的不同,产生不同的压力而使飞机上升.
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Probability of following after them, its central research topics are focused on promoting and improving the Bernoulli law of large Numbers and central limit theorem. 概率论继他们之后,其中心研究课题则集中在推广和改进伯努利大数定律及中心极限定理。 - 2
By means of formula of orifice come out, Bernoulli equation, formula of discharge along way and law of lose, general group of equation of discharge flow was established. 运用孔口出流公式、伯努力方程、沿途泄流公式及损失规律,建立了泄流管路的通用方程组。 - 3
He popularized the law of large Numbers of Bernoulli form, the study draws a new distribution is Poisson distribution. 他推广了伯努利形式下的大数定律,研究得出了一种新的分布,就是泊松分布。