释义 |
1 ?木炭铁 ... powdered charcoal木,炭粉 charcoal iron木炭铁,木炭生铁,木... charcoal dextran右旋糖酐碳末... 2 [冶]?木炭生铁 ... 木炭精链炉 finery 木炭生铁 charcoal iron 内浇口 in-gate ... 3 ?木炭熨斗 ... 专业熨斗 Kitty Cat 蒸汽熨斗 steam iron ; steam flatiron 木炭熨斗 charcoal iron ...
- 1
Wood, the primary source of heat for homes and industries and also used in the iron industry as processed charcoal, was diminishing in supply. 木材是家庭和工业的主要热源,也以加工木炭的形式用于铁工业,它的正在减少。 - 2
The forest was being cut for charcoal to heat forges working iron from Adirondack mines, for hemlock bark used in local tanneries, and for sawlogs milled downstream. 森林被砍伐,做成木炭当阿迪朗达克矿山炼铁的燃料,铁杉的树皮供给当地制革厂,可据木被运往下游地区。 - 3
It amazed me that they always looked impeccable in their uniforms with white shirts which had been washed by hand, dried on the bushes and then ironed with an iron filled with charcoal. 我感到不可思议的是,他们穿的校服和白衬衫看上去总是很体面。这些衣服都是手洗的,在灌木丛上晾干,然后用装着木炭的熨斗熨烫过的。