特征方程式(Characteristic Equation) : ?仿照时间 t 时 x 岁的人数 也可定义在时间 t 瞬间的出生数 因此,可得下列特征方程式
...+ c e mx = 0 (am 2 + b m + c) e mx = 0 因为e mx ≠0,可知 am 2 + b m + c = 0 此式称为特性方程式(characteristic equation),其根有 其解为 , 以代表一般化的通解表示式为 k 1 、k 2 为常数,c:通解 Case 1 : b 2 - 4ac > 0 m 1 与m 2 为两相异实根...
The roots of the characteristicequation determine the stability of the system and the general nature of the transient response to any input.
Methods of using the D-decomposition curves to judge whether all the roots of the characteristicequation possess a negative real part are also discussed.
By studying the properties of roots for the corresponding characteristicequation, the sufficient conditions under which the equation is stable are given.