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1 ?苹果腐烂病 苹果腐烂病 (Apple canker) 症状:症状表现为溃疡型和枝枯型两种,以溃疡型为主。 溃疡型:病部红褐色,略隆起,水渍状,组织松软,用手指按压即下陷。 2 ?苹果树腐烂病 109 中文名: 苹果树腐烂病 英文名: Apple canker 别名: 烂皮病 病原中文名: 苹果黑腐皮壳,无性阶段为苹果壳囊孢 病原拉丁学名: 苹果黑腐皮壳(Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada),无性阶
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The result was:1 . From South to North, and From East to West, the infection of apple canker in shaanxi province becomes more serious. 陕西苹果腐烂病的发生危害程度由南到北,由东到西加重。 - 2
By inoculation on apple with 2 wild canker pathogens and their nitrite mutant isolations and heterokaryotic isolations, the pathogenicity was got and analyzed by variance and multiple comparisons. 以2株溃疡病菌株及其亚硝酸盐诱变菌株、异核体菌株接种苹果进行致病性测定,经方差分析和多重比较表明,溃疡病菌致病力变异可由亚硝酸盐诱变、异核体产生。 - 3
The effects of S-921 strain (Streptomyces aureus) and its fermented broth on apple tree canker, Valsa mali, were tested by plating and free culture methods. 采用平板和离体培养法测定S-921菌株及其发酵液对苹果树腐烂病菌的作用。