释义 |
1 [涂料]?涂层外观 ... apparent quality 外观质量 appearance of coat 涂层外观 appearance quality 外观质量 ...
- 1
Feet may be trimmed and stray hairs neatened, but the natural appearance of coat or outline should not be altered by cutting or clipping. 脚部被毛可以被修剪,零乱的毛发可以修饰整理,但被毛的自然外貌或轮廓不应因修剪或剪短而改变。 - 2
The Leopard was very proud of his glossy, spotted coat and made disdainful remarks about the Fox, whose appearance he declared was quite ordinary. 豹为自己的光滑的花斑皮大衣而感到骄傲,并对狐狸的皮毛作出轻蔑的评论,他宣称狐狸的外表很普通。 - 3
The outer coat is dense, rough, coarse and crisp, of broken appearance. 外层披毛浓厚、粗糙、杂乱、卷曲,呈不规则起伏的样子。