释义 |
- 诉诸权威:指在论证中引用不当的权威作为支持,是一种归纳论证谬误。
1 ?诉诸权威 (3)诉诸权威(appeal to authority): 诉诸权威的谬误是当所引用的权威或见证者缺乏可信度时,就产生这样的谬误. 2 ?权威效应 常见的谬误说理方法 1。权威效应 (appeal to authority) 这种谬误并不总是容易.. 3 ?诉诸权威的谬误 如果就这样结案,那么我们就犯了逻辑推理上常见的 “诉诸权威的谬误”(Appeal to Authority)。要肯定或否定“逆渗透水与蒸馏水最不能喝”这个问题,还是要看教授所提出的理由、假设、证据与推论是否能支持其结论而定。
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Definitions : Like the appeal to authority and ad populum fallacies, the ad hominem ("against the person") and tu quoque ("you, too!") 定义:诉诸权威或者群众是论证中的谬误,指向个人(ad hominem 也就是英文 against the person)以及“你也如此”(tu quoque 也就是英文 you, too!) - 2
It's a question rather of how we know the author to be there firstly, and secondly, whether or not we should appeal to the authority of an author. 首先我们如何知道作者在那儿,其次,我们是否应该诉诸作者的权威。 - 3
One of the reasons this understanding seems so problematic is the idea that we don't appeal to the authority of an author in making our mind about the nature of a given field of discourse. 这种理解之所以看起来有问题,一个原因就是我们不会为了弄清一个特定领域话语的本质,去诉求作者的权威。