释义 |
Bermudas 英/ b??mju?d?z / 美/ b?r?mju?d?z / 1 ?百慕达式短裤 ... 笠衫undershellort 百慕达式短裤bermudashorts;bermudas 白皱裙skirtwithaccordionpleats ... 2 ?中短裤 ... 中空装midriffoutfit;midriffcostume 中短裤bermudashorts;bermudas 中间折裙fly-frontskirt ... 3 ?百慕大地图 北美洲地图 North America Maps,世界地图,百慕大地图(Bermudas),maps...
- 1
On the other hand who, living in the Bermudas, wouldn't be ? - 2
How does it compare with Marvell's Bermudas, which is somewhat later in time? - 3
Beach life at the Royal Palm is epitomised by a waiter, in starched white bermudas, proffering a silver tray with cold towels and fresh pineapple. 一位侍者穿着浆硬的白色百慕大短裤,手托银盘,奉上一叠冷毛巾和一些鲜菠萝,这一景象典型地表现了住在“皇家棕榈饭店”的海滨度假生活。