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Vitamin B3 is found in most vitamin supplements, but additional supplementation is needed to achieve many of the proven health benefits. 在大多数维生素补充剂中也发现维生素b3。但需要额外的补充去满足许多健康需求。 - 2
The best food sources of vitamin B3 are peanuts, brewer's yeast, fish and meat, and fortified breakfast cereals. 最好的维生素b3食物来源是花生,啤酒酵母,鱼类和肉类,以及强化谷物早餐。 - 3
Vitamin B3, commonly known as niacin, may protect against Alzheimer's disease and aging. 芝加哥大学的研究者发现维生素B3,也就是俗称的烟酸,能够对抗老年进行性精神功能衰退疾病—阿尔茨海默症以及老年认知功能减退。