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咖啡、可可 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Shuijiu like to drink tea, coffee, cocoa and fresh Jieshi, and other beverages; - 2
A swathe of SSA economies—especially oil and mineral exporters, and coffee, cocoa and tea producers—should enjoy robust growth. 特别是那些原油与矿产出口商,以及咖啡、可可与茶叶生产商[/quote] - 3
Coffee is one of the three major beverages in the world, along with cocoa and tea. More than 1.6 billion people consume it worldwide. 咖啡是世界三大饮品之一,另外两种是可可和茶。全世界有超过16亿人饮用咖啡。