体积膨胀系数 ( coefficient of volume expansion ):固体的尺寸随温度膨胀,固体的体积也会随之膨胀,通常以 β为一常数表示。
... volume expansion 容积膨胀 coefficient of volume expansion 体积膨胀系数 ; 体增系数 ; 体膨胀系数 volume expansion ratio 扩容率 ...
... volume expansion 容积膨胀 coefficient of volume expansion 体积膨胀系数 ; 体增系数 ; 体膨胀系数 volume expansion ratio 扩容率 ...
... dT α= (2) 面膨胀系數(coefficient of area expansion) () dA A dT γ= (3) 体膨胀系數(coefficient of volume expansion) () dV V dT β= :各向同性物质 2 γα =,3 β α = :在等压下,理想气体的 1 T β= :液体密度的变化量百分比 d dT ρ β ..
The properties of coatings. e. g. tensile strength, expansioncoefficient, wear volume under given conditions and porosity, etc. were tested.
On the assumption that the product ofvolume thermal expansivity and bulk modulus based on the thermodynamic approximation theory, a new equation is presented for volume thermal expansioncoefficient.
Theses parameters include compression index, expansion index, coefficientof secondary consolidation and initial coefficient of re consolidation volume compressibility, et al.