欧洲:自动运载飞船 自动运载飞船(Automated Transfer Vehicle,ATV)由欧洲航天局设计建造,于2008年3月8日首飞,4月3日与国际太空站星辰号服务舱对接。
她获得的奖赏是这周末在法属圭亚那库鲁太空基地观看欧洲航天局太空运输飞船“自动转移飞行器”(Automated Transfer Vehicle,ATV)的发射。
..., ISS)的航天员听的歌曲,就有机会在赢得到一趟南美之行,亲眼目睹你选的歌曲上传至自动运输飞船(Automated Transfer Vehicle, ATV),飘荡在 400 公里外的外层空间,在此建议大家,若想赢得比赛,可别选些像是自由落体(Free Fa...
...术控制汽车装配线,建立在物体识别与追踪原理基础 之上,该原理曾用于欧空局自主转移飞行器(ATV,Automated Transfer Vehicle)与国际空间站(ISS)自动对接。当需要为汽车连接仪表板等模块时,装配工作由操作器来执行。
Its design would lean heavily on technologies already developed for the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV).
BBC: European tech could propel Nasa's Orion capsule
After Endeavour leaves the ISS, Europe's first cargo ship, an unmanned Automated Transfer Vehicle called Jules Verne, will get its chance to dock.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Endeavour launched from Florida
Jules Verne - its generic name is Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) - delivered just under five tonnes of supplies to the platform on its maiden voyage.
BBC: Freighter boosts altitude of ISS