释义 |
collectivization 英/ k??lekt?va??ze??n / 美/ k??lekt?v??ze??n / - 1
经济学 集团化 There is a great requirement to reinforce economic cooperation in this new international environment as Northeast Asia is one of the lag areas through the process of collectivization and regionalization of the world economy. 作为世界经济区域集团化最滞后地区之一的东北亚地区,在新的国际形势下,加强经济合作的呼声越来越高。 集体化 The fifth part concentrates on the relation of the three factors during the process of rural re-collectivization. 第五部分是对乡村再集体化进程中国家、集体与农民关系的探讨。 合作化
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艺术学 集团化 Chapter 4 analyzes three paths for the future development of china’s movie industry: collectivization, clustering and internationalization. 第四章分析了我国电影产业未来发展的三条路径。 即:集团化路径,集群化路径和国际化路径。