...识定义比传统的基于(JTB)知识定义具 有明显的优势,因为,在处理葛梯尔反例时,他可以避 免一系列的诡计的包裹(bag of trick),因为在葛梯 尔的反例中永远存在这样一种情况,即一个人确证地相 信一个假信念。
While I won't attempt to cover that trick in this article, I will give you 10 essential gems from the lazy admin's bagof tricks.
虽然本文不打算对所有 技巧进行讨论,但是我会介绍 “懒惰” 管理员所用的 10 个基本法宝。
Letting the cat out of the bag is supposed to stem from a trick played in old markets where buyers were duped when they thought they were buying a Suckling pig.