...委员会由七人组成,其中包括两名妇女 ? The Committee is composed of 7 persons, including two women 占据一席之地 ? A place 那是舅舅第一次表扬我。 ? It was the first tribute to my uncle.
good ending ? 好结尾 a place ? 和地点 Teach products, optimize stability and sensitivity, check the performance and then start ? 教产品、 优化稳定性和灵敏度、...
适合夹各种各样的石材 ? Suitable for a wide variety of stone clip 占一席之地 ? A place 于是马上把车开到路边检查,但是最终一切正常 ? Then immediately drove the car to the side of check, but in the end everyth...