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1 [会计]?收款公司 ... collecting note收款本票;代理授权书 collecting company集资公司;收款公司 collecting brush集电刷 ... 2 ?集资公司 ... collecting note收款本票;代理授权书 collecting company集资公司;收款公司 collecting brush集电刷 ...
- 1
This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10, 000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface. 公司说,这个盖帽现在每天可收集超过10,000桶原油,然后运送到海面上的一艘油轮。 - 2
Under the 2005 bankruptcy reform, Congress once again exempted derivatives from the automatic stay that prevents creditors from collecting what they are owed by a company that files for bankruptcy. 在2005年破产法修订案中,国会再次免除了衍生产品合约方的一项自动暂缓执行权——该权利阻止债务人从申请破产保护的公司处索回欠款。 - 3
The company is also collecting a whopping 25 terabytes of log data per day, which is supposedly "the equivalent of about 1, 000 times the volume of mail delivered daily by the U.S. Postal Service". 该公司每天还收集25万亿字节的日志文件,这是美国邮政服务每天发送的邮件的1000倍。