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"I understood that as soon as I exhibited any signs of distress, she would have her picture," wrote Germaine Greer, an Australian-born feminist, in 2005. “我明白一旦我展现了自身不幸的信号,她就能捕捉进她的照片里,”一个生于澳大利亚的女性主义者吉曼?基尔在2005年这样写道。 - 2
“I understood that as soon as I exhibited any signs of distress, she would have her picture, ” wrote Germaine Greer, an Australian-born feminist, in 2005. “我明白一旦我展现了自身不幸的信号,她就能捕捉进她的照片里,”一个生于澳大利亚的女性主义者吉曼?基尔在2005年这样写道。 - 3
Mr Hughes, the Australian-born art critic of Time magazine, comes as near as anyone to fulfilling that job description and for much of this wide-ranging volume he succeeds magnificently. 本书作者休斯先生是《时代》杂志的艺术批评家,生于澳大利亚,他以相当出色的叙述,成功地完成了这部涉及范围广泛的著作。