释义 |
- adj.总部位于奥斯汀的:指公司、组织或个人在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市设立总部或主要运营地。
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Until recently, Dagoberto Gilb, the Austin-based short-story writer and novelist, did not give much thought to his own physical limitations. 直到现在,奥斯汀地区的短篇小说作者、小说家——达戈贝托·吉尔,仍然极少关注于自己的生理缺陷。 - 2
Worried that profits were declining, Randy Cohen, founder of Ticket City, an Austin-based ticket broker, laid off workers and cut managers' pay in 2008. 由于担心利润下滑,奥斯汀票务经纪公司Ticket City的创始人兰迪?科恩2008年一度进行了裁员,并削减了经理人员薪资。 - 3
Among the firms making the biggest splash in this new world is Straitford, Inc., a private intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin, Texas. 在这个新世界中最引人注目的公司是 Straitford,一家总部位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的私人情报分析公司。